Shamsun Nahar Shoma

  •  Assistant Professor




    Field of Specialization

    Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology(CUET)

    Ph.D (Pursuing)

    Fluid Dynamics

    JNIRCMPS,University of Chittagong



    University of Chittagong

    MS in Applied Mathematics (Thesis group)

    Applied Mathematics

    University of Chittagong

    B.Sc (honours)


  • SHAMSUN NAHAR SHOMA is an Assistant Professor at BGC Trust University Bangladesh Department of Computer Science and Engineering. She has currently finished more than 13 years of teaching experience. In her professional life, she published significant number of articles in high indexed journals. She completed her B.Sc (honours)&MS degree from the University of Chittagong. She also completed her M.Phil degree from JNIRCMPS, University of Chittagong . She is pursuing Ph.D at CUET. Her research interest in Cosmology and Fluid Dynamics. Her MS Thesis work awarded by NSICT fellowship.

    Research Links:

    Google Scholar:

  • Teaching expertise




    Full Time/Part Time

    BGC Trust University Bangladesh

    Assistant Professor

    1st August 2017 to till now

    Full Time

    BGC Trust University Bangladesh


    26th  July  2010 to 31 July 2017

    Full Time

    BGC Trust University Bangladesh

    Teaching Assistant

    26th  January 2010 to 25th  July 2010

    Full Time


    • Differential & Integral calculus
    • Differential Equation
    • Vector Analysis
    • Matrices
    • Fourier & Laplace Transformation  
    • Discrete Mathematics
    • Numerical Analysis

  • Research Interests

    Cosmology and Fluid Dynamics.

    Areas of Expertise

    Cosmology: Cosmology is  the science of the origin and development of the universe. Modern cosmology is dominated by the Big Bang theory, which brings together observational astronomy and particle physics.

  • Research Projects and Awards

    Fellowship of Academic Bodies and Professional Societies:

    • MS Thesis work which was supervised by Prof. Dr. Abul Kalam Azad, Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Chittagong and awarded by NSICT fellowship.

  • Research Publications

    1. ShamsunNaharShoma ,MunmunBiswas“Cosmological Components in the Presence of Perfect Fluid for Robertson-Walker Cosmological Model in General Relativity” BGC Trust University Journal , Volume 06, July-2022, ISSN 2073-5448, pp :09-20.
    2. Mohd. Manjur Alam ,  Md. Salah Uddin Chowdury ,Niaz Uddin Mahmud , ShamsunNaharShoma ,Md. Abdul Wahab; Text Dependent Speaker Identification Using a Bayesian network and MelFrequency Cepstrum Coefficient; International Journal of Engineering Research (IJER)
    3. NurulAbsar,ShamsunNaharShoma , AklimaAkter Chowdhury “Estimating the Occurrence Probability of Earthquake In Bangladesh” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017, ISSN 2229-5518, pp :764-770.
    4. N Absar, EK Das, SN Shoma, MU Khandaker, MH Miraz, MRI Faruque. The efficacy of machine-learning-supported smart system for heart disease prediction,Healthcare 10 (6), 1137
    5. Mohd. ManjurAlam ,ShamsunNaharShoma. Md. Mezbah Uddin “Election Result Prediction System using Hidden Markov Model [HMM]”;International Journal of Computer Applications(IJCA) Volume 129- No.3, November 2015.


Campus Address

Address: "BGC Biddyanagar" Chandanaish, Chattogram, Bangladesh

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 03033-56193

Phone: 01755588627,01755588619

Fax: +880-31-2550224