Nurul Absar

  •  Associate Professor




    Name & Address of the Institution

    Ph.D Research fellow


    Department of Physics, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology(CUET)


    Nuclear Physics

     Department of Physics, University of Chittagong

    M.S in Computer Science and Information Technology (Thesis group)

    Computer Science and Information Technology

    Department of CSE, Southern University Bangladesh,

    M.Sc in physics (Thesis group)



    Department of Physics, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh

    B.Sc (honours) in physics


    Department of Physics, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh

  • Nurul Absar received the bachelor's and master's degrees in physics from the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh, in 1999 and 2000 respectively and the M.Phil degree in the field of Nuclear physics in 2014 from the same department. He has received another master's degree in Computer Science and Information technology in 2012 from Southern University, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Now he is pursuing Ph.D degree in the department of physics, Chittagong University of Engineering and technology (CUET), Bangladesh. In 2006 he joined as a lecturer in the department of Computer Science and Engineering, BGC Trust University Bangladesh. Since 1st November 2010, he has been with same department, as an Assistant Professor, where he became an Associate Professor in 2016. He has authored 16 papers in different peer-reviewed journals and conferences.  He is a verified reviewer of the Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence.  His current research interests include data analytics, machine learning, deep learning, Computer Network, wireless network and signal processing, big data and cyber security, nuclear and material physics. He is a Life Member of the Bangladesh physical Society. 

    Research Links:


    Google Scholar:

    Research Gate:

    Fellowship/membership of academic bodies and professional organizations:

    • Associate Member: Life Member of  Bangladesh Physical  Society, Dhaka,Bangladesh
    • Academic Council: Member of  Academic Council, BGC Trust University Bangladesh
    • Head: Self Assessment Committee under IQAC  and IEB Accreditation Committee, Computer Science and Engineering Department, BGCTUB
    • Editorial member: Member of Editorial board, BGC Trust University Journal 


  • Teaching expertise

    Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

    BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong-4381, Bangladesh.                   

    • 1st August 2017 to till now                                      

    Assistant Professor , Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

    BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong-4381, Bangladesh.                                           

    • 1st November 2010 to 31 July 2017    

    Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

    BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong-4381, Bangladesh.                                       

    • 1st January 2006 to 31 October 2010                                                                 


    • Computer Fundamentals
    • Physics 1
    • Physics 2
    • Basic Electronics
    • Statistics
    • Computer System Architecture
    • Internet Concept and Database Web Programming
    • Numerical Analysis
    • Data Communication
    • Computer Network
    • Cryptography and Network Security
    • Digital Signal Processing

  • Research Interests

    IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Network and Communication system, Data Mining, Nuclear Physics, Medical and Health physics. Material Science and Magnetic Material, Experimental Physics.

    Training/workshop on Quality Assurance attended as participant:

    (Starting with the latest)


    QA Areas

    Organized by

    Year & Duration

    1.Two days “Hands on Orientation for New rogram Evaluators” workshop


    2022(Two days)

     2.All workshops on Quality Assurance


    2014 to 2022

    3.Teaching-Learning,Curriculum & Quality Assurance

    GTI,Bangladesh Agriculture University,Mymensing

    2016(5 days)


     Training/workshop on Quality Assurance organized as resource person:

    (Starting with the latest)


    QA Areas

    Organized by

    Year & Duration

    1. Outcome Based Accredition(OBA)-A complete Roadmaop

    Deartment of CSE

    2022 9(2 hours)

    2. Organizing awareness building workshop on Self-assessment and Quality Assurance(Team building workshop)

    Deartment of CSE

    2016(2 hours)


    3.Preparing the survey tools (questionnaire) for major stakeholders i.e. students, alumni members, employers, academic staffs, non-academic staffs etc. and conducting the opinion survey to collect data and feedback from major stakeholders using separate questionnaire.


    Deartment of CSE

    2017(2 hours)

    4.Data entry, analysis and preparing the self-assessment report (SAR)

    Deartment of CSE

    2017(3 hours)

    5.Program Self-Assessment Committee (PSAC) organize workshop to share the program self-assessment results with the faculty members and the representatives of major stakeholders in presence of the QAC

    Deartment of CSE

    2017(4 hours)


  • Research Projects and Awards

    • Ph.D Research Grant from BGC Trust University Bangladesh
    • Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Scholarship – 2020
    • Dutch-Bangla Bank Foundation Merit Scholarship (1996-1997)

  • Conference Publications

    1. N.Absar1, M M Rahman1, M Kamal2, M I Chowdhury2 and N Siddique1 “A Paper entitled on “Concentration of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in soil of Oodalia Tea Estate at hilly region of Fatickchari in Chittagong, Bangladesh” has been presented at INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICS OF TODAY 15-16 March 2012 at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
    2. M. J. Abedin1, Nurul Absar2, A.K.M. Saiful Islam Bhuian3,  Masud Kamal3 and M. Hazrat Ali miah1, “Assessment of Radionuclides in Industrial Wastes of Khalurghat Industrial Area and Sediments of Karnapuli River Near The Industrial Zone, Chittagong, Bangladesh” Published in BSBMB Conference 2013, SOB-1, pp. 58(12-13 January 2013). Chittagong.
    3. M. J. Abedin1, Nurul Absar2, A.K.M. Saiful Islam Bhuian3,  Masud Kamal3 and M. Hazrat Ali miah1, “Study of the Natural and Artificial Radionuclides in Industrial Wastes of Selective Industrial Area of Chittagong  and Sediments of Karnapuli River Near The Industrial Zone, Chittagong, Bangladesh” Published in International Bose Conference 2013, No C-12, pp.30-31 (4 February 2013). University of  Dhaka.
    4. M.J. Abedin1, Nurul Absar2, A.K.M. Saiful Islam Bhuian3,  Masud Kamal3 and M. Hazrat Ali miah1, “Assessment of Radionuclides in Industrial Wastes of Khalurghat Industrial Area and Sediments of Karnapuli River Near The Industrial Zone, Chittagong, Bangladesh”  Has been presented in National Conference on for Technology Development. No pp-19, pp102 (27-28, December 2012).
    5. N.Absar1, M M Rahman1, M Kamal2, M I Chowdhury2 and N Siddique1 “A Paper entitled on Concentration of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in soil of Oodalia Tea Estate at hilly region of Fatickchari in Chittagong, Bangladesh” has been published in National Conference on Progress  in Physics on 2nd March, 2013, University of Chittagong.
    6. M. J. Abedin1, Nurul Absar2, A.K.M. Saiful Islam Bhuian3,  Masud Kamal3 and M. Hazrat    Ali miah1,Detemination of Radionuclides Concentration and estimation of Dose Rate   of Selective Industrial Area of Chittagong  and Sediments of Karnapuli River Near The Industrial Zone, Chittagong, Bangladesh”  has been presented in National Conference on Progress  in Physics on 2nd March, 2013, University of Chittagong.
    7. Nurul ABSAR1,*, M Mashiur RAHMAN2, Masud KAMAL3, M M Hossain Miah2, Naziba SIDDIQUA2, Mantazul Islam CHOWDHURY3 “Transfer Factor of Radionuclides from Soil to Tea Leaf” has been presented in International Conference on “Physics for Sustainable Development & Technology (ICPSDT-2015)(19-20 August, 2015)

  • Research Publications

    1. IoT based real-time river water quality monitoring system

    MSU Chowdury, TB Emran, S Ghosh, A Pathak, MM Alam, N Absar, ...

    Procedia Computer Science 155, 161-168

    2. Development of a computer-aided tool for detection of COVID-19 pneumonia from CXR images using machine learning algorithm

    N Absar, B Mamur, A Mahmud, TB Emran, MU Khandaker, MRI Faruque, ...

    Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (1), 32-43

    3. The efficacy of deep learning based LSTM model in forecasting the outbreak of contagious diseases

    N Absar, N Uddin, MU Khandaker, H Ullah

    Infectious Disease Modelling 7 (1), 170-183

    4. Radionuclides transfer from soil to tea leaves and estimation of committed effective dose to the Bangladesh Populace

    N Absar, J Abedin, MM Rahman, MH Miah, N Siddique, M Kamal, ...

    Life 11 (4), 282

    5. The efficacy of machine-learning-supported smart system for heart disease prediction

    N Absar, EK Das, SN Shoma, MU Khandaker, MH Miraz, MRI Faruque, ...

    Healthcare 10 (6), 1137

    6. Performance measurement of open shortest path first (OSPF) protocol in IP networks

    N Absar, A Wahab, KU Sikder

    International Journal of Engineering Research 6 (2), 110-115

    7. Performance Study of Star Topology in Small Internetworks

    N Absar, MJ Alam, T Ahmed

    International Journal of Computer Applications 107 (2), 45-53

    8. Study of the Radioactivity in Soil and Tea Leaf and Transfer Factor of Radionuclides

    N Absar

    M. Phil. thesis, Chittagong University, Bangladesh

    9. Estimating the occurrence probability of earthquake in Bangladesh

    N Absar, SN Shoma, AA Chowdhury

    Int. J. Sci. Eng. Res 8 (2), 1-8

    10. Multi-Criteria analysis for the best location selection in Chittagong city area, Bangladesh

    N Absar, A Pathak, MA Uddin

    International Journal of Computer Applications 143 (8), 10-18

    11. Natural and anthropogenic radioactivity levels and the associated radiation hazard in the soil of Oodalia Tea Estate in the hilly region of Fatickchari in Chittagong, Bangladesh

    N Absar, MM Rahman, M Kamal, N Siddique, MI Chowdhury

    Journal of Radiation Research 55 (6), 1075-1080

    12. Determination of Radionuclide Concentration and Estimation of Dose Rate in Industrial Wastes of Selective Industrial Area of Chittagong and Sediments of Karnapuli River Near …

    MJ Abedin, N Absar, A Saiful, A Bhuian, M Kamal, M Karim, M Hazrat, ...

    International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 8, 1491-1503

    13. Natural and anthropogenic radioactivity levels and the associated radiation hazard in the soil of Oodalia Tea Estate in the hilly region of Fatickchari in Chittagong, Bangladesh.

    A Nurul, MM Rahman, K Masud, S Naziba, MI Chowdhury

    Journal of Radiation Research 55 (6), 1075-1080

    14. A Machine Learning Driven Android Based Mobile Application for Flower Identification

    T Islam, N Absar, AZ Adamov, MU Khandaker

    International Conference on Applied Intelligence and Informatics, 163-175

    15. Cloud Computing for Chittagong Metropolitan Health information Technology

    N Absar, M Farok

    International Journal of Engineering Research 6 (2), 104-109

    16. A Study of the Viniard Board quality Using Neutron Radiography Technique

    MMHMMNI . N. Absar1

    The African Review of Physics 1 (0004), 43-48


Campus Address

Address: "BGC Biddyanagar" Chandanaish, Chattogram, Bangladesh

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 03033-56193

Phone: 01755588627,01755588619

Fax: +880-31-2550224