Dr. Talha Bin Emran (Study Leave)

  •  Associate Professor


    Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy) in Immunology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University, Japan.

    Masters in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chittagong, Chittagong.
    Bachelor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chittagong, Chittagong.

  • Dr. Talha Bin Emran has been working as an associate professor in the Department of Pharmacy at the BGC Trust University Bangladesh. Dr. Emran has had his B.Sc. honors and M.S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Chittagong, Ph.D. from Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University, Japan. He is currently working on the pharmacological and phytochemical investigation of tribal Bangladeshi plants. Also, investigation of the different biological activities of plant extracts and molecular docking, PASS prediction, QSAR, and ADME/T property analysis of isolated compounds from various medicinal plants. Fundamentally, his research interest is to develop a bridge between wet and dry lab efforts, especially on natural products with therapeutic value. Besides molecular modeling and PASS predictions, his interest is to understand the phenotypic expression of different cardiovascular and neurodegenerative aging-related diseases. 

    He has published more than 300 peer-reviewed papers, posters, and abstracts in the above research areas. He supervised many B. Pharm Project students. He has received many honors and prestigious national and international awards. He is currently serving as a member of several societies and scientific expert committees. He is also an editorial and advisory board member of many international scientific peer-reviewed journals. His current Google Scholar citation count is 5200, and his h-index is 40. His SCOPUS number of publications is 296, with 3096 citations having an h-index of 31. The number of Web of Science publications is 222, with 2458 citations having an h-index of 27. His number of verified peer reviews is 1292, with 156 editor records.


  • Teaching expertise

    Associate Professor, 1st July 2022 ~ Present

    Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong-4381, Bangladesh.

    Assistant Professor, 1st May 2019 ~ 30th June 2022

    Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong-4381, Bangladesh.

    Lecturer, 10th January 2012 ~ 30th April 2019

    Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong-4381, Bangladesh.


    Organic Chemistry
    Medicinal Chemistry
    Communicable Diseases
    Non-Communicable Diseases
    Research Methodology

  • Research Interests

    Natural Product Chemistry, Alternative Medicine, Phytochemistry, Bioinformatics, Immunology, Vaccine Development.

    Areas of Expertise

    i) Biochemistry & Molecular Biology: cell culture, media preparation, centrifugation, DNA and RNA extraction, cDNA preparation, insert and vector DNA preparation, plasmid DNA preparation, ligation and electroporation, western blotting, gene expression analysis by microarray and qualitative/quantitative real-time PCR, RT-PCR, gel electrophoresis, molecular cloning, and use of hemocytometer.

    ii) Immunology: in vivo immunization, in vitro imaging system (IVIS), intracellular cytokine staining (ICS), ELISPOT; to identify the level of B or T cell stimulation, immunological methods to identify and quantify expression of proteins, cytokine and antibody ELISA, cell culture and maintenance, light microscopy, fluorescent microscopy.

    iii) Microbiology: aseptic and sterile techniques, microscopy, bacterial staining, plating methods (streak/spread/pour), enumeration and identification of bacteria, use of biological safety cabinets, media/buffer preparation, an antimicrobial study by disc diffusion and turbidity methods.

    iv) Chemistry: solution preparation, titrations, extractions filtrations, solubility tests.

    v) Computational drug design and discovery: Medicinal chemistry, Protein modeling, and dynamic simulation, in silico ligand structure and fragment-based drug design, Chemical modeling and chemoinformatics, Gene-protein and Protein-protein interaction analysis etc.

    vi) Experience in general animal (mouse) husbandry, managing the breeding of numerous transgenic, and knock out mouse strains. Also experience in transgenic mosquito’s maintenance.

    vii) Software: Various molecular modeling and CADD software. Operating Systems: Mac OS, Windows Vista, Windows XP.

    viii) Statistical Analysis: Graph pad Prism and SPSS (Statistical Software Package).

  • Research Projects and Awards

    Currently, I am working on the pharmacological and phytochemical investigation of tribal plants in the Chittagong Hill track area. Also, investigate the different biological activities of plant extracts and Molecular docking, PASS prediction, QSAR, and ADME/T property analysis of isolated compounds from the various medicinal plants. Fundamentally, my research interest is to develop a bridge between the wet lab and dry lab efforts, especially on Natural Products with therapeutic value. Areas of interest include natural product database development, molecular modeling, cheminformatics-ligand/structure-based virtual screening, lead optimization, ADME/T prediction, protein-protein interactions, peptide-based drug design, and the animal model for pharmacological activity screening. Besides molecular modeling and PASS predictions, I am interested in identifying locally available algal strains with substantial lipid content and high growth rate to select appropriate strains for biofuel production.

    • Project 1: Development of novel vaccine candidates against malaria (In collaboration with my former Ph.D. Laboratory in Japan).
    • Project 2: Pharmacological and phytochemical investigation of tribal plants in Chittagong Hill track area (In collaboration with the University of Chittagong).
    • Project 3: Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug development from the plant sources (In collaboration with the International Islamic University Chittagong).
    • Project 4: Different biological activity of plant extracts and molecular docking, PASS prediction, QSAR and ADME/T property analysis of isolated compounds from different medicinal plants (In collaboration with the Gusto A Research Group and BCSIR-Laboratories - Chittagong).
    • Project 5: River water quality monitoring using sensors (In collaboration with the BGC Trust University Bangladesh).
    • Project 6: Biodiesel Production from Lipid Generating Microalgae: A Possible Competitor to Petroleum Diesel (In collaboration with the University of Chittagong).


    1. A fellow of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) in the Session 2015-2018 for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)
    2. A fellow of Ministry of Science, Information & Communication Technology (MOSICT) in the Session 2011-2012 for MS Thesis.
    3. Biological Faculty first in Honors Examination, Session 2004-2005.

  • Conference Publications

    Conference Publications (Talha Bin Emran: Emran, T.B.; *= corresponding author)




    Abstract Publication (National-2020)

    1. Tareq, A.M.; Kader, F.B.; Reza, A.S.M.A.; Emran, T.B.*; Sohel, M.; Mahmud, M.H. and Nasrin, M.S. A possible mechanism for the neuropharmacological effects of Apis cerana indica beehive in the Swiss Albino mice (29th January 2020); 1st National Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences’ 20 (1st NCPS’20). Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong. Sec-C; PP-15: Page No-37. (As a poster presentation).


    2.Rakib, A.; Azad, S.M.A.K.; Alam, M.S.; Paul, A. and Emran, T.B.*. Anticancer potential of Withaferin A (29th January 2020); 1st National Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences’ 20 (1st NCPS’20). Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong. Sec-C; PP-09: Page No-80. (As a poster presentation).


    1. Barua, N.; Aziz, M.A.I.; Tareq, A.M.; Sayeed, M.A.; Alam, N. and Emran, T.B.*. In vivo and in vitro evaluation of pharmacological activities of Adenia trilobata (Roxb.) (29th January 2020); 1st National Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences’ 20 (1st NCPS’20). Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong. Sec-C; PP-13: Page No-36 (As a poster presentation).


    4.Akter, N.; Emran, T.B. and Zahid, H.* Oxidative DNA damage due to cooperative action of vitamin C and cadmium ion resulting to cell mutation and cancer: A concise treatise of molecular mechanism of Cd2+ induced carcinogenesis (29th January 2020); 1st National Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences’ 20 (1st NCPS’20). Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong. Sec-C; PP-53: Page No-56. (As a poster presentation).


    1. Ghosh, S.; Paul, A.; Emran, T.B.; Rahim, Z.B. and Zahid, H.* A review of the pharmacological effects of Olive leaves (29th January 2020); 1st National Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences’ 20 (1st NCPS’20). Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong. Sec-C; PP-41: Page No-50. (As a poster presentation).


    6.Uddin, M.Z.*; Chowdhury, S.; Emran, T.B.; Paul, A.; Nath, A.K.; Rana, M.D. and Hossain, M.S. Evidence based study for anxiety and depression of Elatostema papillosum: A novel target for therapeutic alternative (29th January 2020); 1st National Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences’ 20 (Ist NCPS’20). Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong. Sec-C; PP-20: Page No-39. (As a poster presentation).


    1. Baral, S.K.; Paul, A.; Rashid, S.M.M. and Emran, T.B.*. Isn’t white sugar is carcinogenic agents in Bangladesh? (29th January 2020); 1st National Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences’ 20 (1st NCPS’20). Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong. Sec-C; PP-45: Page No-52. (As a poster presentation).

    Abstract Publication (International-2019)

    8.Emran, T.B.*. Computational aided mechanistic understanding of Ocimum sanctum bioactive compounds against breast cancer (13-14th December 2019). International Conference on Oncology and Virology (Oncology and Virology-2019). Grand Inn Come Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.


    1. Emran, T.B.; Mahmud, F. Iyori, M. and Yoshida, S*. Baculovirus as a new stand-alone prophylactic and therapeutic immunostimulatory agent against malaria (24-25th June 2019). International Conference on 3rd Annual Cell Congress (Cell-2019). Radisson Hotel JFK Airport, New York, USA.
    2. Iyori, M.; Emran, T.B.; Ono, Y. and Yoshida, S*. The impact of baculovirus-induced innate immunity on elimination of the liver-stage Plasmodium through interferon signaling (16th March, 2019). The 88th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Parasitology (West Branch). Department of Immunogenetics, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan.

    Abstract Publication (International-2018)

    1. Hori, N.; Iyori, M.; Shida, S.; Yoshida, K; Emran, T.B.; Shimada, S.; Ashekul, I.; Yoshii, T. and Yoshida, S*. LC16m8Δ as a recombinant vaccinia virus: new approach of malaria vaccine (13th September, 2018). The 74th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Parasitology (West Branch). Department of Veterinary Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan.
    2. Tsujimura, S.; Iyori, M.; Emran, T.B.; Yoshii, T. and Yoshida, S*. Baculovirus-induced innate immune response protects mice against the malaria reinfection (13th September, 2018). The 74th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Parasitology (West Branch). Department of Veterinary Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan.
    3. Iyori, M.; Emran, T.B.; Ono, Y.; Matsuoka, H.; Yamamoto, D. and Yoshida, S*. Baculovirus-induced innate immune response completely eliminate malaria liver stage parasites (14th September, 2018). The 74th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Parasitology (West Branch). Department of Veterinary Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan.
    4. Ono, Y.; Iyori, M.; Emran, T.B.; Tamura, M.; Ogawa, R. and Yoshida, S*. A study on the killing mechanism of malarial parasites during the liver stage by baculovirus administration (14th September, 2018). The 74th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Parasitology (West Branch). Department of Veterinary Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan.
    5. Yamagoshi, I.; Iyori, M.; Hori, N.; Emran, T.B.; Shida, S. and Yoshida, S*. Study of the protective effect of recombinant vaccinia virus LC16m8Δ as a malaria vaccine (14th September, 2018). The 74th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Parasitology (West Branch). Department of Veterinary Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan.
    6. Emran, T.B.*; Iyori, M.; and Yoshida, S. Baculovirus-induced innate immunity confers complete protection against Plasmodium pre-erythrocytic stage parasites. 14th International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA 2018); Exco, Daegu, Republic of Korea. Page No-1106-1.
    7. Iyori, M.; Yoshida, K.; Yusuf, Y.; Emran, T.B.; Yoshii, T.; Hashizume, H.; Shimada, S.; Yamamoto, D.; Fukumoto, S.; Mizukami, H. and Yoshida, S*. Development of a novel malaria vaccine based on heterologous prime-boost immunization regimen using adenovirus and adeno-associated virus vector. 14th International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA 2018); Exco, Daegu, Republic of Korea. Page No-1503-5.
    8. Ashekul, I.*; Iyori, M.; Yamamoto, D.; Emran, T.B.; Tuno, N.; Yamaguchi, R.; Amelia, F.; Yusuf, Y.; Silveira, H.; and Yoshida, S. Transgenic expression of anti-AAPP antibody in salivary glands, regulates probing time and blood feeding success in malaria vector mosquito Anopheles stephensi (13th May, 2018). The 70th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology. Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro University, Obihiro, Japan; Page No-09.
    9. Ashekul, I.*; Iyori, M.; Yamamoto, D.; Emran, T.B.; Tuno, N.; Yamaguchi, R.; Silveira, H.; and Yoshida, S. Inhibition of collagen-induced platelet aggregation by Anopheline Anti-Platelet Protein, regulates probing time and blood feeding success in malaria vector mosquito Anopheles stephensi (2018). The 138th Annual Meeting of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. ANA Crown Hotel, Kanazawa, Japan; Page No-41.
    10. Amelia, F.*; Iyori, M.; Genshi, K.; Onoue, Y.; Emran, T.B.; Yusuf, Y.; and Yoshida, S. (2018). Protective efficacy and immunogenicity of truncated Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozite protein-based vaccines in mice. The 138th Annual Meeting of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. ANA Crown Hotel, Kanazawa, Japan; Page No-58.
    11. Hori, N.*; Iyori, M.; Yoshida, K.; Emran, T.B.; Shida, S.; and Yoshida, S. Attenuated vaccinia virus, LC16m8Δ, vectored malaria vaccine targeting PfCSP: assessment of efficacy against sporozoite challenge in mice (2018). The 138th Annual Meeting of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. ANA Crown Hotel, Kanazawa, Japan; Page No-52.


    Abstract Publication (International-2017)


    1. Amelia, F.*; Iyori, M.; Genshi, K.; Onoue, Y.; Emran, T.B.; Yusuf, Y.; Ashekul, I.; and Yoshida, S. T Evaluation of the immunogenicity and vaccine efficacy of recombinant truncated protein PfCSP region in a murine malaria model (2017). The 73rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Parasitology (West Branch). Department of Parasitology, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan; Page No-12.
    2. Ashekul, I.*; Iyori, M.; Yamamoto, D.; Tuno, N.; Emran, T.B.; Amelia, F.; Yusuf, Y.; Silveira, H.; and Yoshida, S. Transgene mediated inhibition of collagen-induced platelet aggregation by Anopheline Anti-Platelet Protein (AAPP), regulates probing time and blood feeding success in malaria vector mosquito Anopheles stephensi (2017). The 73rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Parasitology (West Branch). Department of Parasitology, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan; Page No-18.
    3. Yusuf, Y.*; Iyori, M.; Mizutani, M.; Alam, A.; Amelia, F.; Emran, T.B.; Ashekul, I.; and Yoshida, S. Development of viral-vectored Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite vaccines and its evaluation system in a murine model (2017). The 73rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Parasitology (West Branch). Department of Parasitology, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan; Page No-19.
    4. Ashekul, I.*; Emran, T.B.; Yamamoto, D.; Iyori, M.; Amelia, F.; Yusuf, Y.; Tuno, N.; and Yoshida, S. Transgene mediated inhibition of collagen-induced platelet aggregation by Anopheline Anti-Platelet Protein, regulates probing time and blood feeding success in malaria vector mosquito Anopheles stephensi (2017). The 35th Annual Meeting of Hokuriku Diseases and Animals. Department of Parasitology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University, Japan; Page No-05.


    Abstract Publication (International-2016)


    1.  Emran, T.B.*; Amano, T.; Amelia, F.; Alam, A.; Matsuoka, H.; Ogawa, R.; Iyori, M.; and Yoshida, S. Baculovirus-induced innate immunity confers 100% protection against sporozoite challenge in a mouse model (2016). The 85th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Parasitology. Miyazaki University, Miyazaki, Japan. Best Presentation Award; Page No-01.


    Abstract Publication (National-2013)


    1.  Alam, M.S.*; Rubayed, M.; Islam, M.N.; Hossain, M.S.; Emran, T.B.; and Hosen, S.M.Z. KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) for Representation and Analysis of Molecular Networks Involving Diseases and Drugs (2013). International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education. Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. ICERIE-1008: Page No-115.
    2.  Dash, R.*; Hosen, S.M Z.; Emran, T.B.; Junaid, M; Halima, B; Barua, A.; and Das, P. Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology- Short Review (2013). International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education. Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. ICERIE-1009: Page No-116.
    3.  Das, J.*; Emran, T.B.; Dash, R; Alam, A.; Murad, K.H.; Dewanjee, S.; and Hosen, S.M.Z. Linking Open Drug Data – Opening a New Era (2013). International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education. Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. ICERIE-1010: Page No-116.
    4.  Emran, T.B.*; and Hosen, S.M.Z. Genomics and future medicine. The BSBMB Conference 2013, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Better Health, Congenial Environment and Food Security. University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. SAP-09: Page No-80.
    5.  Hosen, S.M.Z.*; and Emran, T.B. Probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics: recent advances. The BSBMB Conference 2013, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Better Health, Congenial Environment and Food Security. University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. SAP-05: Page No-48.
    6.  Das, J.*; Mahmud, N.U.; Dey, T.K.; Emran, T.B.; and Rahim, Z.B. In vitro interaction of metoprolol tartarate with calcium chloride (anhydrous) and its influence on protein binding of metoprolol tartarate. The BSBMB Conference 2013, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Better Health, Congenial Environment and Food Security. University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. SAP-16: Page No-53.
    7.  Rubayed, M; Islam, M.N.; Hossain, M.S.; Islam, M.S.; Emran, T.B.* and Hosen, S.M.Z. Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics–A New Dimension for Bangladeshi Pharmaceutical Sector (2013). 1st International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: A Global Approach; Department of Pharmacy, University of Science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), Bangladesh. Page No-52.
    8.  Sagar, A.K.; Dash, R.; Barua, A.; Majumdar, M.; Das, P.; Emran, T.B.* and Hosen, S.M.Z. Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance Methods (2013). 1st International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: A Global Approach; Department of Pharmacy, University of Science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), Bangladesh. Page No-38.
    9.  Paul, A.; Himu, M.R.; Mizan, A.B.; Lucky, R.A.; Mukta, S.A.; Emran, T.B.* and Hosen, S.M.Z. Prevention of Medication Error and Drug Abuses (2013). 1st International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: A Global Approach; Department of Pharmacy, University of Science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), Bangladesh. Page No-35.
    10.  Siddique, M.K.U.; Rahman, M.; Sumi, K.N.; Rakhy, H.A.; Sultana, J.; Dey, P.; Hosen, S.M.Z.; and Emran, T.B.* Rare Disease and Orphan Medicine (2013). 1st International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: A Global Approach; Department of Pharmacy, University of Science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), Bangladesh. Page No-36.
    11.  Farhad, M.R.; Hossain, M.I.; Rahman, T.; Hossain, M.M.; Alamgir, M.; Likhan, M.M.I.; Hosen, S.M.Z.; and Emran, T.B.* Evidence Based Pharmacy (2013). 1st International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: A Global Approach; Department of Pharmacy, University of Science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), Bangladesh. Page No-52.
    12.  Dash, R.; Hosen, S.M.Z.; Emran, T.B.*; Das, J.; Mahmud, N.U.; Junaid, M.; and Alam, A. Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics: Impacts on Drug Discovery and Development (2013). 1st International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: A Global Approach; Department of Pharmacy, University of Science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), Bangladesh. Page No-53.
    13.  Junaid, M.; Hosen, S.M.Z.; Emran, T.B.*; Dewanzee, S.; Murad, K.H.; Faisal, M.; and Dash, R. Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology- Short Review (2013). 1st International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: A Global Approach; Department of Pharmacy, University of Science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), Bangladesh. Page No-53.
    14.  Barua, B.P.; Dey, L.; Zerin, I.; Habiba, Q.U.; Islam, M.M.; Emran, T.B. and Das, J.* Phytochemical and Biological Investigations of Ethanol Extract of Bacopa monnieri (L.) (2013). 1st International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: A Global Approach; Department of Pharmacy, University of Science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), Bangladesh. Page No-54.


    Abstract Publication (International-2012)


    1.  Emran, T.B.* (2012). Sedative, anxiolytic and analgesic effects of the ethanolic extract of Leea indica (Burm. f.) Merr. Leaf. 2nd International Conference and exhibition on Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs (23-24th November 2012, Hyderabad International Convention Centre, India).
    2.  Emran, T.B.* (2012). Antioxidant, Cytotoxic and Phytochemical properties of the ethanol extract of Leea indica leaf. International Conference on Herbal and Traditional Medicine: Challenges and opportunities for the future world (26-28th October 2012, New Delhi, India).


    Abstract Publication (National-2012)


    1.  Hosen, S.M.Z.*; Dash, R.; Emran, T.B.; Rahim, Z.B.; Biswas, S.K.; Chowdhury, A.; and Saha, D. Bioinformatics, Drugs & Omics- An overview of the major areas of the Omics. YoungBB 3rd National Congress 2012. Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology. Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. PSP-306: Page No-53.

  • Research Publications

    List of Publications (Talha Bin Emran: Emran, T.B.; *= corresponding author)


    Total Impact Point: 782.45 Google Scholar h-index: 40

    1. Anjum J, Mitra S, Das R, Alam R, Mojumder A, Emran TB, Islam F, Rauf A Hossain MJ, Aljohani ASM, et al. A renewed concept on the MAPK signaling pathway in cancers: Polyphenols as a choice of therapeutics. Pharmacological Research; 2022: 106398.
    2. Islam F, Islam MM, Meem AFK, Nafady MH, Islam MR, Akter A, Mitra S, Alhumaydhi FA, Emran TB*, et al. Multifaceted Role of Polyphenols in the Treatment and Management of Neurodegenerative Diseases. Chemosphere; 2022,307: 136020.
    3. Emran TB, Shahriar A, Mahmud AR, Rahman T, Abir MH, Faijanur-Rob-Siddiquee M, et al. Multidrug Resistance in Cancer: Understanding Molecular Mechanisms, Immunoprevention, and Therapeutic Approaches. Frontiers in Oncology; 2022,12: 891652.
    4. Lyzu C, Mitra S, Perveen K, Khan Z, Tareq AM, Bukhari NA, Husain FM, Lipy EP, Islam D, Hakim M, and Emran TB*. Phytochemical Profiling, Antioxidant Activity, and In Silico Analyses of Sterculia villosa and Vernonia patula. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; 2022: 3190496, 1-18.
    5. Mitra S, Lami MS, Uddin TM, Das R, Islam F, Anjum J, Hossain MJ, and Emran TB*. Prospective multifunctional roles and pharmacological potential of dietary flavonoid narirutin. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy; 2022,150: 112932.
    6. Chowdhury NN, Islam MN, Jafrin R, Rauf A, Khalil AA, Emran TB, Aljohani AS, Alhumaydhi FA, Lorenzo JM, Shariati MA, and Simal-Gandara J. Natural plant products as effective alternatives to synthetic chemicals for postharvest fruit storage management. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition; 2022, pp. 1-19
    7. Nasrin S, Islam MN, Tayab MA, Nasrin MS, Siddique MAB, Emran TB*, and Reza ASMA. Chemical profiles and pharmacological insights of Anisomeles indica Kuntze: An experimental chemico-biological interaction. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy; 2022,149, p.112842.
    8. Alam N, Banu N, Ruman U, Khan Z, Aziz I, Arfin M, Barua N, Chy FJ, Jahan A, Juthy TS, Nassan MA, and Emran TB*. Deciphering the Pharmacological Potentials of Methanol Extract of Sterculia foetida Seeds Using Experimental and Computational Approaches. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; 2022: 3403086, 1-13.
    9. Absar N, Mamur B, Mahmud A, Emran TB, Khandaker MU, Faruque M, et al. Development of a computer-aided tool for detection of COVID-19 pneumonia from CXR images using machine learning algorithm. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences. 2022.
    10. Amin MR, Yasmin F, Dey S, Mahmud S, Saleh MA, Emran TB, et al. Methyl β-D-galactopyranoside esters as potential inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 protease enzyme: synthesis, antimicrobial, PASS, molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulations and quantum computations. Glycoconjugate journal. 2022:1-30.
    11. Bindu S, Dandapat S, Manikandan R, Dinesh M, Subbaiyan A, Mani P, et al. Prophylactic and therapeutic insights into trained immunity: A renewed concept of innate immune memory. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. 2022:1-19.
    12. Chakraborty AJ, Uddin TM, Zidan M, Redwan B, Mitra S, Das R, et al. Allium cepa: A Treasure of Bioactive Phytochemicals with Prospective Health Benefits. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2022;2022.
    13. Das R, Lami MS, Chakraborty AJ, Mitra S, Tallei TE, Idroes R, et al. Ginkgo biloba: A Treasure of Functional Phytochemicals with Multimedicinal Applications. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2022;2022.
    14. Das R, Mitra S, Tareq AM, Emran TB, Hossain MJ, Alqahtani AM, et al. Medicinal plants used against hepatic disorders in Bangladesh: A comprehensive review. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2022;282:114588.
    15. Devnath P, Hossain MJ, Emran TB, Mitra S. Massive third wave of COVID-19 outbreak in Bangladesh: a co-epidemic of dengue might worsen the situation. Future Medicine Ltd London, UK; 2022.
    16. Halder SK, Rafi MO, Shahriar EB, Albogami S, El-Shehawi AM, Daullah SMU, et al. Identification of the most damaging nsSNPs in the human CFL1 gene and their functional and structural impacts on cofilin-1 protein. Gene. 2022;819:146206.
    17. Goswami TK, Singh M, Dhawan M, Mitra S, Emran TB, Rabaan AA, et al. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) and their therapeutic potential against autoimmune disorders–Advances and challenges. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. 2022:1-16.
    18. Hossain M, Ahmmed F, Sarker M, Rahman M, Sarwar S, Bari M, et al. Factors associated with underprivileged e-Learning, session jam phobia, and the subsequent mental distress among students following the extended university closure in Bangladesh. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022:2303.
    19. Kar S, Devnath P, Emran TB, Tallei TE, Mitra S, Dhama K. Oral and intranasal vaccines against SARS‐CoV‐2: Current progress, prospects, advantages, and challenges. Immunity, Inflammation and Disease. 2022;10(4):e604.
    20. Masyita A, Sari RM, Astuti AD, Yasir B, Rumata NR, Emran TB, et al. Terpenes and terpenoids as main bioactive compounds of essential oils, their roles in human health and potential application as natural food preservatives. Food Chemistry: X. 2022:100217.
    21. Mitra S, Chakraborty AJ, Tareq AM, Emran TB, Nainu F, Khusro A, et al. Impact of heavy metals on the environment and human health: Novel therapeutic insights to counter the toxicity. Journal of King Saud University-Science. 2022:101865.
    22. Mitra S, Lami MS, Ghosh A, Das R, Tallei TE, Islam F, et al. Hormonal Therapy for Gynecological Cancers: How Far Has Science Progressed toward Clinical Applications? Cancers. 2022;14(3):759.
    23. Pandit C, Roy A, Ghotekar S, Khusro A, Islam MN, Emran TB, et al. Biological agents for synthesis of nanoparticles and their applications. Journal of King Saud University-Science. 2022;34(3):101869.
    24. Rahman MM, Islam MR, Islam MT, Harun-Or-Rashid M, Islam M, Abdullah S, et al. Stem Cell Transplantation Therapy and Neurological Disorders: Current Status and Future Perspectives. Biology. 2022;11(1):147.
    25. Rahman MM, Islam MR, Shohag S, Hossain ME, Rahaman MS, Islam F, et al. The Multifunctional Role of Herbal Products in the Management of Diabetes and Obesity: A Comprehensive Review. Molecules. 2022;27(5):1713.
    26. Rauf A, Shariati MA, Imran M, Bashir K, Khan SA, Mitra S, et al. Comprehensive review on naringenin and naringin polyphenols as a potent anticancer agent. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022:1-17.
    27. Shimu M, Sultana S, Mahmud S, Tallei TE, Sami SA, Adam AA, et al. Phytochemical Compound Screening to Identify Novel Small Molecules against Dengue Virus: A Docking and Dynamics Study. Molecules. 2022;27(3):653.
    28. Mitra S, Tareq AM, Das R, Emran TB, Nainu F, Chakraborty AJ, et al. Polyphenols: A first evidence in the synergism and bioactivities. Food Reviews International. 2022:1-23.
    29. Dhama, K.; Dhawan, D.; Tiwari, R.; Emran, T.B.; Mitra, S.; Rabaan, A.; Alhumaid, S.; Alawi, Z.H. and Rabaan, A. (2022). COVID-19 intranasal vaccines: Current progress, advantages, prospects and challenges. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics (Accepted). [Impact Factor 2.619, Indexed in SCOPUS, PubMed].
    30. Michalak, I.; Tiwari, R.; Dhawan, M.; Alagawany, M.; Farag, M.R.; Khan, S.; Emran, T.B. and Dhama, K. (2022). Antioxidant effects of seaweeds and their active compounds on the animal health and production – A Review. The Veterinary Quarterly (Accepted). [Impact Factor 3.320, Indexed in SCOPUS, PubMed]. 41(1): In Press.
    31. Mohamed AA-R, Khater SI, Metwally MM, Emran TB, Nassan MA, Abd El-Emam MM, et al. TGF-β1, NAG-1, and antioxidant enzymes expression alterations in Cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in a rat model: Comparative modulating role of Melatonin, Vit. E and Ozone (2022). Gene 820 (2): 146293. DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2022.146293.
    32. Roy, A.; Singh, V.; Sharma, S.; Ali, D.; Azad, A.K.; Kumar, G. and Emran, T.B.* (2022). Antibacterial and Dye Degradation Activity of Green Synthesized Iron Nanoparticles. Journal of Nanomaterials (Accepted). [Impact Factor 2.986, Indexed in SCOPUS, PubMed].
    33. Hossain, M.J.; Rabaan, A.; Rabaan, A.; Alhumaid, S.; Emran, T.B.*; Saikumar, G.; Mitra, S.; Dhama, K. (2022). Strategies to tackle SARS-CoV-2 Mu, a newly classified variant of interest likely to resist currently available COVID-19 vaccines. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics (Accepted). [Impact Factor 2.619, Indexed in SCOPUS, PubMed].
    34. Roy, A.; Anand, A.; Garg, S.; Khan, M.S.; Bhasin, S.; Asghar, M.N. and Emran, T.B.* (2022). Structure-Based In Silico Investigation of Agonists for Proteins Involved in Breast Cancer. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2022: Article ID 7278731. [Impact Factor 2.629, Indexed in SCOPUS, PubMed]. DOI: 10.1155/2022/7278731.
    35. Karmokar, S.; Islam, M.A.; Al Muktadir, M.H.; Hasan, R.; Tareq, A.M.; Amin, M.N. and Emran, T.B.* (2022). Depression and Behavioral Changes Associated with Social Media Dependency During COVID-19 Pandemic Among University Students in Bangladesh: A Cross-Sectional Study. Makara Journal of Health Research 25 (3): 159−166. DOI: 10.7454/msk.v25i3.1303.
    36. Sarwar, S.; Hossain, M.J.; Irfan, N.M.; Ahsan, T.; Arefin, M.S.; Rahman, A.; Alsubaie, A.; Alharthi, B.; Khandaker, M.U.; Bradley, D.A.; Emran, T.B. and Nazrul, I.S*. (2022). Renoprotection of Selected Antioxidant-Rich Foods (Water Spinach and Red Grape) and Probiotics in Gentamicin-Induced Nephrotoxicity and Oxidative Stress in Rats. Life 12 (1): 60 [Impact Factor 2.991, Indexed in SCOPUS, PubMed]. DOI: 10.3390/life12010060.
    37. Islam, F.; Akter, A.; Mimi, A.A.; Urme, H. Islam, M.R.; Rahaman, M.S.; Al Mamun, A.; Rahman, M.M.; Dhama, K. and Emran, T.B.* (2022). Neuropharmacological Effect of Chassalia curviflora (Rubiaceae) Leaves in Swiss Albino Mice Model. Archives of Razi Institute 77: In Press. [Indexed in SCOPUS, PubMed]. DOI: 10.22092/ARI.2021.356880.1937.
    38. Tallei, T.E.; Fatimawali; Adam, A.A.; Elseehy, M.; El-Shehawi, A.M.; Mahmoud, E.A.; Tania, A.D.; Niode, N.; Kusumawaty, D.; Rahimah, S.; Effendi, Y.; Idroes, R.; Celik, I.; Hossain, M.J. and Emran, T.B.* (2022). Fruit Bromelain-Derived Peptide Potentially Restrains the Attachment of SARS-CoV-2 Variants to hACE2: A Pharmacoinformatics Approach. Molecules 27 (1): 26. [Impact Factor 3.267, Indexed in SCOPUS, PubMed]. DOI: 10.3390/molecules27010260.
    39. Tallei, T.E.; Marfuah, S.; Abas, A.H.; Abram, A.A.B.P.; Pasappa, N.; Anggini, P.S.; Soegoto, A.S.; Fatimawali and Emran, T.B.* (2022). Nata as a source of dietary fiber with numerous health benefits. Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics (Korea) (Accepted). [Indexed in SCOPUS]. DOI: 10.5455/jabet.2022.d107.
    40. Akter, T.; Chakma, M.; Tanzina, A.Y.; Rumi, M.H.; Mst. Shimu, M.S.S.; Saleh, M.A.; Mahmud, S.*; Sami, S.A.* and Emran, T.B.* (2022). Curcumin Analogues as a Potential Drug against Antibiotic Resistant Protein, β-Lactamases and L, D-Transpeptidases Involved in Toxin Secretion in Salmonella typhi: A Computational Approach. BioMedInformatics 2(1), 77-100.  DOI: 10.3390/biomedinformatics2010005.
    41. Munjal, A.; Khandia, R.; Paladhi, S.; Katare, M.; Parihar, A Pathe, C.S.; Rajukumar, K.; Emran, T.B.; Alqahtani, T.; Alqahtani, A.M.; Alamri, A.H.; Chidambaram, K. and Dhama, K (2022). Effects of Valsartan on Angiogenesis and Risk Assessment of Metastasis on Breast Ductal Carcinoma Cells in Chick Chorioallantoic Membrane Model. International Journal of Pharmacology 18(1): In Press.
    42. Satiman, U.; Tulung, M.; Pelealu, J.; Salaki, C.L.; Beivy, J.; Kolondam, B.; Tallei, T.E.; Emran, T.B.* and Pinaria, A. (2022). Morphology, Diversity and Phylogenetic Analysis of Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in North Sulawesi by Employing Partial Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase 1 Gene Sequences. Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics (Korea); 5(1): 136-147. [Indexed in SCOPUS]. DOI: 10.5455/jabet.2022.d103.
    43. Asbah, A.; Ummussaadah, U.; Parenden, N.; Putri, A.S.W.; Rosa, R.A.; Rumata, N.R.; Emran, T.B.; Dhama, K. and Nainu, F. (2021). The pharmacological effect of caffeine in Drosophila melanogaster: A proof-of-concept in vivo study for nootropic investigation. Archives of Razi Institute (Accepted). [Indexed in SCOPUS, PubMed]. DOI: 10.22092/ARI.2021.356628.1884.
    44. Khuda, F.; Anjum, M.; Khan, S.; Khan, H.; Sahibzada, M.U.K.; Khusro, A.; Jan, A.; Ullah, N.; Shah, Y.; Zakiullah; Abbas, M.; Iftikhar, T.; Idris, A.M.; Khandaker, M.U.; Emran, T.B.* (2021). Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of natural organic matter extracted from cretaceous shales in district Nowshera-Pakistan. Arabian Journal of Chemistry 15(2): 103633. [Impact Factor 5.501, Indexed in SCOPUS, PubMed]. DOI: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2021.103633.
    45. Musaddiq, H.; Syed, S.; Fatima, M.; Shaukat, S.; Saadullah, S.; Alqahtani, T.; Emran, T.B. Alamri, A.H.; Barkat, M.Q.; Wu. X. (2021). Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and COVID-19: A Literature Review. Journal of Inflammation Research 14: 7225-7242. [Impact Factor 6.922, Indexed in SCOPUS, PubMed]. DOI: 10.2147/JIR.S334043.
    46. Harapan, H.; Anwar, S.; Yufika, A.; Khan, S.; Gachabayov, M.; Fahriani, M.; Husnah, M.; Raad, R.; Abdalla, R.Y.A.; Adam, R.Y. et al. (2021). Vaccine hesitancy among communities in ten countries in Asia, Africa, and South America during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pathogens and Global Health, (Ahead of print): 1-8. [Impact Factor 2.733, Indexed in SCOPUS, PubMed].  DOI: 10.1080/20477724.2021.2011580.
    47. Babu S, Hossain MB, Rahman MS, Rahman M, Ahmed A, Hasan M, et al. Phytoremediation of toxic metals: a sustainable green solution for clean environment. Applied Sciences. 2021;11(21):10348.
    48. Bahattab O, Khan I, Bawazeer S, Rauf A, Qureshi MN, Al-Awthan YS, et al. Synthesis and biological activities of alcohol extract of black cumin seeds (Bunium persicum)-based gold nanoparticles and their catalytic applications. Green Processing and Synthesis. 2021;10(1):440-55.
    49. Hossain, M.J.*; Ahmmed, F.; Sarker, M.M.R.; Sarwar, S.; Bari, M.S.; Khan, M.R.; Shahriar, S.; Rafi, M.O.; Emran, T.B.; Mitra, S.; Islam, M.R.; Mohamed, I.N. (2021). Factors associated with underprivileged e-Learning, session jam phobia, and the subsequent mental distress among students following the extended university closure in Bangladesh. Frontiers in Public Health (Accepted). [Impact Factor 3.709, Indexed in SCOPUS, PubMed]. 
    50. Shamsuddin, T.; Hosen, M.A.; Alam, M.S.; Emran, T.B.; and Kawsar, S.M.A.* (2021). Uridine Derivatives: Antifungal, PASS Prediction, ADME/T, Drug Likeliness, Molecular Docking, and Binding Energy Calculations. Medicine Science-International Medical Journal, 10(4): 1373-138. DOI: 10.5455/medscience.2021.05.175.

  • Others Publications

    Poster (National-2019)

    1. Barua, J.; Paul, A.; Md. Chy, M.N.U. and Emran, T.B.*. Antibacterial, anthelmintic, and analgesic activities of Piper sylvaticum (Roxb.) leaves and in silico molecular docking and PASS prediction studies of its isolated compounds. The BSBMB Conference 2019, Life sciences in achieving sustainable development goal. University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

    Poster (National-2013)

    1. Emran, T.B.* and Hosen, S.M.Z. Genomics and future medicine. The BSBMB Conference 2013, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Better Health, Congenial Environment and Food Security. University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
    2. Hosen, S.M.Z.* and Emran, T.B. Probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics: recent advances. The BSBMB Conference 2013, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Better Health, Congenial Environment and Food Security. University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
    3. Das, J.*; Mahmud, N.U.; Dey, T.K.; Emran, T.B. and Rahim, Z.B. In vitro interaction of metoprolol tartarate with calcium chloride (anhydrous) and its influence on protein binding of metoprolol tartarate. The BSBMB Conference 2013, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Better Health, Congenial Environment and Food Security. University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

    Poster (National-2012)

    1. Hosen, S.M.Z.*; Dash, R.; Emran, T.B.; Rahim, Z.B.; Biswas, S.K.; Chowdhury, A.; and Saha, D. Bioinformatics, Drugs & Omics- An overview of the major areas of the Omics. YoungBB 3rd National Congress 2012. Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology. Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. PSP-306: Page No-53.


    Participated Seminar, Symposium, Camp and Workshops:

    1. 1st National Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences’ 20 (1st NCPS’20 on “Achieving the Goal in Pharmaceutical Innovations”); Organized by Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University Bangladesh. (Held on 29th January 2020).
    1. Oncology and Virology-2019 (International Conference on “Challenges to Cure Cancer and New Approaches for Treatment of Cancer”); Organized by Citation Publishers Private Limited., 6th Floor, Amogh Plaza, Begumpet, Hyderabad, Telangana-500016, India. (Held on 13-14th December 2019).


    1. 3rd Annual Cell Congress (Cell-2019) (International Conference on “Exposure of Innovations and Advancements in the Cellular World”); Organized by Meetings International Pte Ltd., 28 Maxwell Road, #03-05 Red Dot Traffic, Singapore (069120). (Held on 24-25th June 2019).
    1. The BSBMB Conference-2019 (National Conference on “Life sciences in achieving sustainable development goal”); Organized by Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. (Held on 27-28th April 2019).
    1. 14th International Congress of Parasitology-ICOPA 2018; Organized by ICOPA 2018 Korean Organizing Committee, Exco, Daegu, Korea (Held on 19-24th August 2018).
    1. The 138th Annual Meeting of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan-2018; Organized by The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Kanazawa, Japan. (Held on 25-28th March 2018).
    1. The 5th Annual Meeting of the International Cytokine and Interferon Society- Cytokines 2017; Organized by The Cytokines 2017 Scientific Program Committee and Organising Committee, Kanazawa, Japan. (Held on 29th October-02nd November 2017).
    1. The 73rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Parasitology (West Branch)-2017; Organized by The Japanese Society of Parasitology, Department of Parasitology, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan. (Held on 14-15th October 2017).
    1. The 35th Annual Meeting of Hokuriku Diseases and Animals-2017; Organized by The Japanese Society of Zoology, Department of Parasitology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University, Japan. (Held on 1st July 2017).
    1. The 85th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Parasitology-2016; Organized by The Japanese Society of Parasitology, Department of Parasitology, Miyazaki University, Japan. (Held on 19-20th March 2016).
    1. 37th Annual Conference-2015 by Bangladesh Chemical Society (Chemistry for Green Living); Organized by Department of Chemistry, Comilla University, Bangladesh. (Held on 11th April 2015).


    1. The BSBMB Conference-2015 (National Conference on Biochemistry, Industry and Sustainable Economy); Organized by Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Held on 21st March 2015).
    1. The BSBMB Conference-2013 (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Better Health, Congenial Environment and Food Security); Organized by Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. (Held on 12-13th January 2013).
    1.  1st International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: A Global Approach. Organized by Department of Pharmacy, University of Science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), Bangladesh. (Held on 26th February 2013).


    1.  International Training Workshop-2012 on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in South Asian perspective. Organized by University of Science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), CVASU & CU in association with TWAS. (Held on 25th September 2012).
    2.  2nd Bioinformatics Camp and Workshop on- “Computational Biology & Research Method”; Organized by-Yong Biotechnologist of Bangladesh. (Held on 06-07th October 2012).
    1.  Young BB 3rd National Congress-2012; Organized by Young Biotechnologist of Bangladesh and Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh. (Held on 13-14th October 2011).


Campus Address

Address: "BGC Biddyanagar" Chandanaish, Chattogram, Bangladesh

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 03033-56193

Phone: 01755588627,01755588619

Fax: +880-31-2550224