Mahmudul Islam

  •  Assistant Professor


    B.S.S (Hon's) , M.S.S (Economics), University of Chittagong.

  • Mahmudul Islam has been working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration at BGC Trust University Bangladesh. Mahmudul Islam completed B.S.S. (Hons) and M.S.S. (Economics) in the Department of Economics of the University of Chittagong. His research interest includes various sectors of international trade, fiscal and monetary policy, agricultural economics and political economics. He has already published various research papers in different national and international journals. He has a distinctive knowledge of various statistical modeling and packages which are widely used in research.


  • Teaching expertise

    Assistant Professor, 1st February 2025 to till.

    Department of Business Administration, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong-4381, Bangladesh.

    Lecturer, 11 March 2015 ~ 31st January 2025

    Department of Business Administration, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong-4381, Bangladesh.

    Teaching Assistant, 10 March, 2014 ~10 March, 2015

    Department of Business Administration, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong-4381, Bangladesh.

    Courses :

    • International Economics
    • political Economics
    • Advanced Micro Economics
    • Advanced Macro Economics
    • Econometrics
    • Banking
    • Business research methodology
    • Business policy& strategy
    • Project analysis


  • Research Interests

    International trade, Agricultural economics, Fiscal and Monetary policy.

  • Research Publications

    1. Islam,M. Impact of pharmaceutical industry on accelerating GDP in Bangladesh.(Abstract Publication)(29th January 2020);1st National Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences’20,(1st NCPS’20);BGC Trust University Bangladesh.Sec-C; PP-49;page no-54.

    2.  Islam, M. Meah, M.S.The Role of Exchange Rate On Export, Import and Trade Balance: Empirical Evidence from Australia, Argentina, Chile, Denmark, New Zealand. BAUST Journal.Vol.2.Issue 1, July 2022.

    3.  Islam,M. Meah,M.S.An Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment and Its Forecasting Trends in Bangladesh: Period 2020-2029. BGC Trust University Journal. (349-364).


Campus Address

Address: "BGC Biddyanagar" Chandanaish, Chattogram, Bangladesh

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 03033-56193

Phone: 01755588627,01755588619

Fax: +880-31-2550224