Soman Chakraborty

  •  Associate Professor


    Master of Business Administration (MBA)
    Major        : Management
    Institution      : University of Chittagong

    Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
    Major       : Management
    Institution       : University of Chittagong

  • Soman Chakraborty has been working as an associate professor in the Department of Business Administration at BGC Trust University Bangladesh. He is also Co-ordinator (MBA Programs) of the Department of Business Administration

    He has been worked as Director & Additional Director, IQAC,BGCTUB under HEQEP, UGC which is funded by the World Bank since 2016 to 2022. In this higher education project, he got training on Quality in Higher Education in Malaysia. Moreover, he was invited as a Local Quality Expert in External Peer Review(EPR) program for assessing the quality in the Department of Architecture at Shanto-Marium University of Creative Technology(SMUCT), Dhaka. In addition, he completed 5 entities EPR by foreign expert in BGC Trust University Bangladesh. Also, he arranged several workshop and training program for the faculties of different entities at different time period.

    Furthermore, he has attended several national and international conferences & seminars on Quality Assurance and actively participated and positively contributed to ensure the quality education in higher level and becomes an integral part of Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) in BGC Trust University Bangladesh.



    • Two weeks long training on ‘Quality Assurance on Higher Education’ by EDU Leads Consulting; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as a Director of IQAC,BGC Trust University Bangladesh.
    • Completed training program on “Case Writing and Analysis Skill Development”, (conducted by Dr. Gary Maclin, Professor, Texas A&M University, USA) organized by Department of Management, University of Chittagong, Under HEQEP Sub-Project: Developing Teaching-Learning Capabilities, held during April 26-27, 2011.
    • Attended training program on “Research Methodology”, organized by Department of Management, University of Chittagong, Under HEQEP Sub-Project: Developing Teaching-Learning Capabilities, held during September 26-27, 2011.
    • Attended several workshop and training programs related to Higher Education Development under HEQEP’s (Higher Education Quality Enhancement Program) training programs of different durations.
    • Completed an intensive “Internship Program” of two months  in “Dhaka Bank Ltd.”, Jubilee Road, Chittagong.
    • Attended the 6th International Conference on " Unity of Science" jointly organized by BGC Trust University Bangladesh & Trisakti University, Indonesia, held in Jan 14-15,2009 

  • Research Interests

    Entrepreneurship Development, HRM & Women Emancipation, strategic Management.

  • Conference Publications

    1.      Biennial conference of the Bangladesh Academy of Business Administration. Venue: Dhaka University, January 05–07, 2017. Title: Managerial Attributes, Job Performance  and Service Quality of women bankers, authored by  Soman Chakraborty  & Sujan Kanti Biswas 

  • Research Publications

    1.  Title       :Understanding the Relationships among Managerial Attributes, Job    Satisfaction, and Service Quality of the Women Bankers

    Authors   : Soman Chakraborty & Md. Sahidur Rahman

     Publisher: Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration

    2.  Title : Workplace Friendship, Job Involvement and Job Satisfaction -An Empirical Study on Private Universities in Bangladesh

    Authors         : Soman Chakraborty

     Publisher      : Submitted BGC Trust University Journal

    3. Title            : Dimensions of Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction:

                               An Empirical Study

    Authors          : Mita Mazumder & Soman Chakraborty

    Publisher         : BGC Trust University Journal Vol-03,Dec, 2016

    4. Title                   :Social Responsibility Marketing Practices in Banking Sector in Bangladesh

         Authors          : Md. Sarwar Uddin & Soman Chakraborty  

        Publisher         : Submitted in BGC Trust University Journal

    5. Title            :Impact of Managerial Skills on Job Performance and Service Quality

        Authors            : Soman Chakraborty  & Mir Misnad sultana

         Publisher         : BGC Trust University Journal, 2017

    6.  Title                  :Creative Performance Behavior: The Role of Employee Job Involvement and Job Satisfaction

       Authors             : Soman Chakraborty  & Md. Sarwar Uddin

       Publisher           : Submitted in BGC Trust University Journal

    7.  Title                   : Electricity Crisis And Load Management In Bangladesh            

        Authors             : Rajib Kanti Das & Soman Chakraborty  

        Publisher          : Management Research And Practice, Vol. 4 Issue 2 (2012)


Campus Address

Address: "BGC Biddyanagar" Chandanaish, Chattogram, Bangladesh

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 03033-56193

Phone: 01755588627,01755588619

Fax: +880-31-2550224