Mohd. Kamal Uddin

  •  Associate Professor


    Degrees / Examinations



    Year of Graduation

    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

    University of Chittagong



    Admitted in 2017



    Master of Philosophy

    (M. Phil)

    University of Chittagong





    MBA in Management

    University of Chittagong


    1st Class



    BBA (Hons) in Management

    University of Chittagong


    1st Class


    Post Graduate Diploma in HRM (PGDHRM)

    ABP, UK

    (Affiliated with Bangladesh Institute of Management Studies, Dhaka)



    Diploma in Computer Science and Application

    Bangladesh Open University

    (Institution: International Islamic University Chittagong)

    CGPA - 3.85

    (Out of 4.00)


  • Mohd. Kamal Uddin is working as Associate Professor in the Department of Business Administration, BGC Trust University Bangladesh. He has earned about 17 years teaching experiences in the Department of Business Administration. Mohd. Kamal Uddin completed his graduation from the University of Chittagong in the Department of Management securing first class in both the Honors and Masters. He achieved Post Graduate Diploma in HRM (PGDHRM) in 2012 from the Association of Business Practitioners, UK and was awarded with M. Phil degree in 2016 by the University of Chittagong. Presently, he is doing Ph.D in the University of Chittagong. He is credited with a good number of research papers published in the nationally and internationally recognized peer reviewed journals.

    Activities Involved:

    • Working as a ‘Member’ of Academic Council of BGC Trust University Bangladesh.
    • Worked as ‘Coordinator’, MBA Program, BGC Trust University Bangladesh

  • Teaching expertise




    BGC Trust University Bangladesh


    Associate Professor


    2018 – till now

    BGC Trust University Bangladesh

    Assistant Professor

    2011 – 2018

    BGC Trust University Bangladesh


    2006 - 2011

    Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET)

    Personal Secretary to Vice Chancellor

    2005 – 2006

    Omar Gani MES College, Chittagong



  • Research Interests

    HRM and Contemporary issues related to Business.

  • Conference Publications

    1. Relationship between Personality Dimensions and Teaching Job Involvement: An Empirical Research on University Teachers of Bangladesh.

    Presented in the Virtual National Conference on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): Reshaping Business for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh arranged by Bureau of Business Research, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Chittagong.


    2. Examining the Relationship between Executives’ Demographics and Training Effectiveness: Empirical Evidence from Commercial Banks of Bangladesh.

    Presented in the 13th International Conference on Business Innovation for Inclusive Development on 26 October 2019 in the International Islamic University Chittagong.


    3.  Effectiveness of Executive Training and Development on Perceived Employee Performance: An Empirical Study on Private Banks of Bangladesh.

    Presented in the International Conference on Quality for Sustainable Development (ICQSD) on November 25-27, 2016 ISBN: 978-0-9946029-9-2 organized by Port City International University, Chittagong.


    4. Role and Challenges of SAARC in Ensuring Economic Growth and Alleviation of Poverty in South Asia: A Critical Evaluation

    Presented in the 7th International Conference on Development of Social Enterprise And Social Business For Eradication Of Extreme Poverty And Street Begging, IIUCIC7-2014/ IC7-019


    5. University - Industry Collaboration (UIC) for Developing Highly Skilled and Productive Business Graduates in Bangladesh.

    Presented by Co-authors in the ‘International Conference on Business Innovations, Entrepreneurship and Engineering’ (ICOBIEE 2013) held on 6-8 December 2013 at Bay view Beach Resort, Penang, Malaysia jointly organized by Universiti Malaysia Perlis and Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia and International Partner - International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh


    6. Trade Potentials between Bangladesh and India: Analyzing Trade Deficits and Ways Forward to Overcome for Mutual Cooperation.

    Presented by Co-authors in the Key West International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Key West, Florida, USA on May, 2013


    7. Achieving Industrial Growth and Development through FDI: A Study on Major Challenges in the Context of Bangladesh.

    Presented by Co-authors in the ‘International Conference on Business Innovations, Entrepreneurship and Engineering’ (ICOBIEE 2013) held on 6-8 December 2013 at Bay view Beach Resort, Penang, Malaysia jointly organized by Universiti Malaysia Perlis and Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia and International Partner – International Islamic University Chittagong,


    8. Customer Behavioral Segmentation at Banking System using Principal Components Analysis and Artificial Neural Network: The Quality Management.

    Presented by Co-author in the conference held in Rajshahi University Engineering and Technology (RUET), Bangladesh Paper ID: AB 004 IPE


    9. Business Education System in The Private Universities of Bangladesh: Present Status and Some Propositions.

    Presented in the ‘International Conference on Business Competencies in a Changing Global Environment’ held at the Southeast University of Bangladesh on 23 December 2010.


    8. Conflicting Ethical Issues and Misconducts Facing Today’s HR-Professional: A Critical Assessment on Bangladesh.

    Presented at the Fourteenth Educational Researchers’ Conference organized by UNESCO-BAFED Researchers’ Forum held on 30th June 2010, at Meeting Islamic Development Bank (IDB)  Bhaban, E/8-A, Rokeya Sharani, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka.


    10. Conflicting Ethical Issues and Misconducts Facing Today’s HR-Professional: A Critical Assessment on Bangladesh.

    Presented the same paper in a seminar arranged by BGC Trust University Bangladesh on18th November 2009.


  • Research Publications

    Title of the articles

    Name of Journal


    1. Relationship between Professional Stress and Teaching Performance Based on the Demographic Factors: A Study on the Teachers of Some Selected Universities Located in Chittagong, Bangladesh

    (Authors: Mohd. Kamal Uddin & Professor Dr. Md. Sahidur Rahman)

    BGC Trust University Journal

    ISSN: 2073 - 5448

    Vol. 06, July 2022

    BGC Trust University Bangladesh


    2.Faculty Attributes and Student Achievement in Tertiary Education: An Empirical Study on Universities in Bangladesh

    (Authors: Mohd. Kamal Uddin & Mohammad Jonaed Kabir)

    BGC Trust University Journal

    ISSN: 2073 - 5448

    Vol. 06, July 2022

    BGC Trust University Bangladesh


    3. Establishing Linear Regression Equation Model in Kirkpatrick’s Model for Assessing Training Effectiveness: An Empirical Study on Private Sector Banks of Bangladesh

    (Author: Mohd. Kamal Uddin)

    BGC Trust University Journal

    ISSN: 2073 - 5448

    Vol. 05, December 2018

    BGC Trust University Bangladesh


    4. Evaluation of Executives’ Demographic Factors Impacting the Training Effectiveness through Establishing Multiple Regression Model: An Empirical Study on Commercial Private Banking Sector of Bangladesh

    (Author: Mohd. Kamal Uddin)

    BGC Trust University Journal

    ISSN: 2073 - 5448

    Vol. 05, December 2018

    BGC Trust University Bangladesh


    5. Workplace Counseling for Employee Development: A Study on Banking Sector Employees of Bangladesh

    (Authors: Ms. Rownuk Jahan, Ms. Fahmida Zaman & Mohd. Kamal Uddin)

    BGC Trust University Journal

    ISSN: 2073 - 5448

    Vol. 05, December 2018

    BGC Trust University Bangladesh


    6. Comparative Views of Male and Female Executives on Herzberg’s Hygiene Factors: An Empirical Study on Commercial Private Banks of Bangladesh

    (Author: Mohd. Kamal Uddin)

    BGC Trust University Journal

    Vol. 04, December 2017

    BGC Trust University Bangladesh


    7. Employees’ Perception towards Herzberg’s Hygiene Factors at Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh: An Empirical Study.

    (Author: Mohd. Kamal Uddin)

    Published in the BGC Trust University Journal, ISSN 2073 - 5448, Volume-03, December 2016


    8. Enhancing Quality Banking Service Rendering Skill Through Training and Development Programs: Executive Trainers’ View.

    (Authors: Mohd. Kamal Uddin & Syeda Sunjeeda Showkat )

    Published in the BGC Trust University Journal, ISSN 2073 - 5448, Volume-03, December 2016


    9. Women in University Teaching Profession: Performance Assessment in the Context of Private Universities of Bangladesh.

    (Authors: Syeda Sunjeeda Showkat & Mohd. Kamal Uddin)

    Published in the BGC Trust University Journal, Volume - 02, ISSN 2073-5448, November 2015


    10. Satisfaction towards Banking Profession: A Comparative Study on Male and Female Executives.

    (Authors: Mohd. Kamal Uddin & Mohammad Jonaed Kabir)

    Published in the IIUC (International Islamic University Chittagong) Studies, ISSN 1813-7733, Volume-12, December 2015


    11. University - Industry Collaboration (UIC) for Developing Highly Skilled and Productive Business Graduates: Bangladesh Perspective.

    (Authors: Md. Sarwar Uddin, M. Aktaruzzaman Khan,  M. Kamal Uddin, M. Solaiman)

    Published in the International Journal of Management and Business Research (IJMBR), Islamic Azad University (IAU), Tehran, Iran, Volume – 5, Issue – 1, January 2015


    12. Tendency towards Banking Profession of Bangladeshi Business Graduates: A Study on Some Selected Public and Private Banks of Bangladesh.

    (Authors: Mohammad Jonaed Kabir, Mohd. Kamal Uddin & Habib Ullah)

    Published in the European  Journal of Business and Management, Volume  - 6, No. 17, ISSN: 2222-1905, Year – 2014


    13. Enhancing Regional Trade Potentials and Economic Cooperation among the SAARC Countries: Exploring Major Challenges and Propositions.

    (Authors: Mohammad Jonaed Kabir, Mohd. Kamal Uddin & Habib Ullah)

    Published in the Global Journal of Management Business Research (GJMBR), Volume – 14, No. 6A, Year – 2014

    Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)


    14. Ethical Issues in HR-Profession: A Critical Assessment in the context of Bangladesh.

    (Authors: Mohd. Kamal Uddin & Mohammad Jonaed Kabir)

    Published in the IIUC (International Islamic University Chittagong) Business Review, Volume – 3, ISSN: 1991 – 380X, in 2014


    15. Automated Listing for Exportable Products of Bangladesh.

    (Authors: Md. Sarwar Kamal, Sonia Farhana Nimmy & Mohd. Kamal Uddin)

    Published in the Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Volme-12, Issue-9 Version 10 April 2012, Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal, Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA) Online ISSN: 0975-4172 & Print ISSN 0975-4350


    16. Impact of Asset Management on Firms’ Productivity: An Analysis of Bangladeshi Engineering Industries.

    (Authors: Mohammad Muzahidul Islam, Md. Hasan Uddin &  Mohd. Kamal Uddin)

    Published in the Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology, ISSN: 1609 – 5260, Volume 9, Number 2, July 2011.


    17. Business Education System in the Private Universities of Bangladesh: Present Status and Some Propositions.

    (Authors: Mohd. Kamal Uddin, Mohammad Muzahidul Islam & Md. Hasan Uddin)

    Published in a recognized research journal of Bangla Vision Foundation, ISSN: 2079-567X Volume 5, Number 1, May 2011



Campus Address

Address: "BGC Biddyanagar" Chandanaish, Chattogram, Bangladesh

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 03033-56193

Phone: 01755588627,01755588619

Fax: +880-31-2550224