Title of the articles
Name of Journal
1. Relationship between Professional Stress and Teaching Performance Based on the Demographic Factors: A Study on the Teachers of Some Selected Universities Located in Chittagong, Bangladesh
(Authors: Mohd. Kamal Uddin & Professor Dr. Md. Sahidur Rahman)
BGC Trust University Journal
ISSN: 2073 - 5448
Vol. 06, July 2022
BGC Trust University Bangladesh
2.Faculty Attributes and Student Achievement in Tertiary Education: An Empirical Study on Universities in Bangladesh
(Authors: Mohd. Kamal Uddin & Mohammad Jonaed Kabir)
BGC Trust University Journal
ISSN: 2073 - 5448
Vol. 06, July 2022
BGC Trust University Bangladesh
3. Establishing Linear Regression Equation Model in Kirkpatrick’s Model for Assessing Training Effectiveness: An Empirical Study on Private Sector Banks of Bangladesh
(Author: Mohd. Kamal Uddin)
BGC Trust University Journal
ISSN: 2073 - 5448
Vol. 05, December 2018
BGC Trust University Bangladesh
4. Evaluation of Executives’ Demographic Factors Impacting the Training Effectiveness through Establishing Multiple Regression Model: An Empirical Study on Commercial Private Banking Sector of Bangladesh
(Author: Mohd. Kamal Uddin)
BGC Trust University Journal
ISSN: 2073 - 5448
Vol. 05, December 2018
BGC Trust University Bangladesh
5. Workplace Counseling for Employee Development: A Study on Banking Sector Employees of Bangladesh
(Authors: Ms. Rownuk Jahan, Ms. Fahmida Zaman & Mohd. Kamal Uddin)
BGC Trust University Journal
ISSN: 2073 - 5448
Vol. 05, December 2018
BGC Trust University Bangladesh
6. Comparative Views of Male and Female Executives on Herzberg’s Hygiene Factors: An Empirical Study on Commercial Private Banks of Bangladesh
(Author: Mohd. Kamal Uddin)
BGC Trust University Journal
Vol. 04, December 2017
BGC Trust University Bangladesh
7. Employees’ Perception towards Herzberg’s Hygiene Factors at Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh: An Empirical Study.
(Author: Mohd. Kamal Uddin)
Published in the BGC Trust University Journal, ISSN 2073 - 5448, Volume-03, December 2016
8. Enhancing Quality Banking Service Rendering Skill Through Training and Development Programs: Executive Trainers’ View.
(Authors: Mohd. Kamal Uddin & Syeda Sunjeeda Showkat )
Published in the BGC Trust University Journal, ISSN 2073 - 5448, Volume-03, December 2016
9. Women in University Teaching Profession: Performance Assessment in the Context of Private Universities of Bangladesh.
(Authors: Syeda Sunjeeda Showkat & Mohd. Kamal Uddin)
Published in the BGC Trust University Journal, Volume - 02, ISSN 2073-5448, November 2015
10. Satisfaction towards Banking Profession: A Comparative Study on Male and Female Executives.
(Authors: Mohd. Kamal Uddin & Mohammad Jonaed Kabir)
Published in the IIUC (International Islamic University Chittagong) Studies, ISSN 1813-7733, Volume-12, December 2015
11. University - Industry Collaboration (UIC) for Developing Highly Skilled and Productive Business Graduates: Bangladesh Perspective.
(Authors: Md. Sarwar Uddin, M. Aktaruzzaman Khan, M. Kamal Uddin, M. Solaiman)
Published in the International Journal of Management and Business Research (IJMBR), Islamic Azad University (IAU), Tehran, Iran, Volume – 5, Issue – 1, January 2015
12. Tendency towards Banking Profession of Bangladeshi Business Graduates: A Study on Some Selected Public and Private Banks of Bangladesh.
(Authors: Mohammad Jonaed Kabir, Mohd. Kamal Uddin & Habib Ullah)
Published in the European Journal of Business and Management, Volume - 6, No. 17, ISSN: 2222-1905, Year – 2014
13. Enhancing Regional Trade Potentials and Economic Cooperation among the SAARC Countries: Exploring Major Challenges and Propositions.
(Authors: Mohammad Jonaed Kabir, Mohd. Kamal Uddin & Habib Ullah)
Published in the Global Journal of Management Business Research (GJMBR), Volume – 14, No. 6A, Year – 2014
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)
14. Ethical Issues in HR-Profession: A Critical Assessment in the context of Bangladesh.
(Authors: Mohd. Kamal Uddin & Mohammad Jonaed Kabir)
Published in the IIUC (International Islamic University Chittagong) Business Review, Volume – 3, ISSN: 1991 – 380X, in 2014
15. Automated Listing for Exportable Products of Bangladesh.
(Authors: Md. Sarwar Kamal, Sonia Farhana Nimmy & Mohd. Kamal Uddin)
Published in the Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Volme-12, Issue-9 Version 10 April 2012, Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal, Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA) Online ISSN: 0975-4172 & Print ISSN 0975-4350
16. Impact of Asset Management on Firms’ Productivity: An Analysis of Bangladeshi Engineering Industries.
(Authors: Mohammad Muzahidul Islam, Md. Hasan Uddin & Mohd. Kamal Uddin)
Published in the Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology, ISSN: 1609 – 5260, Volume 9, Number 2, July 2011.
17. Business Education System in the Private Universities of Bangladesh: Present Status and Some Propositions.
(Authors: Mohd. Kamal Uddin, Mohammad Muzahidul Islam & Md. Hasan Uddin)
Published in a recognized research journal of Bangla Vision Foundation, ISSN: 2079-567X Volume 5, Number 1, May 2011