Golam Shahria (Study Leave)

  •  Assistant Professor


    Exam Title




    Passing Year


    Ph. D.

    Financial Reporting of Listed Companies in Bangladesh: A Study of Quality and Compliance

    University of Chittagong




    M. Phil

    Deficiencies in Corporate Reporting in Bangladesh: A study on Manufacturing Companies in Bangladesh

    University of Chittagong





    Accounting & Information Systems

    University of Chittagong


    (Out of 4)


    1 Year


    Accounting & Information Systems

    University of Chittagong


    (Out of 4)


    4 Years

  • Golam Shahria is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration, BGC Trust University Bangladesh. Completing his Master of Business Administration he successfully pursued his M. Phil degree from the University of Chittagong. Currently he is pursuing his Ph.D from the same University.

  • Teaching expertise

    1. Assistant Professor in Accounting, Department of Business Administration, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong, Bangladesh. (Since 1st July, 2022 to till now).
    2. Lecturer in Accounting, Department of Business Administration, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong, Bangladesh. (from 8th January, 2014 to 30th June, 2022).
    3. Teaching Assistant in Accounting, Department of Business Administration, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong, Bangladesh. (From 8th January, 2013 to 07th January, 2014).

  • Research Interests

    Financial Reporting, Integrated Reporting, IASs and IFRSs issues.

  • Conference Publications

    Serial No.

    Title of the Conference

    Organizing Authority

    Year of Presentation


    2nd International Conference on Business and Economic Challenges (ICBEC)

    Faculty of Business Administration, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University

    08 November, 2022


    1stInternational Conference on Business and Management (ICBM 2017)

    Business School, BRAC University, Bangladesh

    September, 2017


  • Research Publications

    1. Shahria G. (2022). COVID-19 Pandemic's Effect on Performance and Acceleration of Performance Recovery: A Study on Manufacturing Industry in Bangladesh, Journal of Accounting and Investment, 23(3), 521 – 545.
    2. Shahria G. & Jahan N. (2022). PLS-SEM Based Analysis of Customer Satisfaction of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh: A Study on Users’ Perspective, BGC Trust University Journal,  06, 319 – 348.
    3. Shahria G. (2022). Value Creation Practice of Integrated Reporting:: A Study on Non – Bank Financial Institutions in Bangladesh, Open Journal of Accounting, 11, 42 – 56. 
    4. Jahan N. & Shahria G. (2022). Factors effecting customer satisfaction of mobile banking in Bangladesh: a study on young users’ perspective, South Asian Journal of Marketing,03(1), 60- 76.     
    5. Jahan N. & Shahria G. (2020). Status of Classified Loan: A Study on Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh", International Journal of Financial Management, 10(1), 1 – 17.
    6. Hosen S.  & Shahria G. (2020).  Economic Challenges of Rohingya Peoples: A Study on Displacement (Rohingya) Peoples on Myanmar in Cox’s Bazar, International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 7( 3), 415-436.
    7. Shahria G. & Jahan N. (2019). Sustainable Revenue and Net Profit: Study on Food & Allied Industry in Bangladesh, IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 21(3).1-13.
    8. Shahria G. & Dey M. (2016). Impact of Marketing Cost on Revenue and Operating Profit: A Study of Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh, BGC Trust University Journal, 03, 89 -110. 


Campus Address

Address: "BGC Biddyanagar" Chandanaish, Chattogram, Bangladesh

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 03033-56193

Phone: 01755588627,01755588619

Fax: +880-31-2550224