Rana Karan

  •  Associate Professor


    Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
    Department    : Department of Management
    Institution      : University of Chittagong

    Master of Business Administration (MBA)
    Major   : Management
    Institution      : University of Chittagong

    Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
    Major       : Management
    Institution     : University of Chittagong.

  • Rana Karan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Business Administration, BGC Trust University Bangladesh. He has earned about 18 years teaching experiences in the Department of Business Administration. Completing his Master of Business Administration from the University of Chittagong, He successfully pursued his M. Phil degree under the same department (Management) and the same university.

  • Teaching expertise

    • Associate Professor (01 December 2015 – Till date)

        Department of Business Administration, BGC Trust University Bangladesh.

    • Assistant Professor (February 11,  2009 – November 30,  2015)

        Department of Business Administration, BGC Trust University Bangladesh.

    • Lecturer (August 17, 2005 – February 10, 2009)

        Department of Business Administration, BGC Trust University Bangladesh. 

    Key Working Experiences:

    • Worked as a ‘Member’ of the Editorial Board of BGC Trust University Journal.
    • Worked as a ‘Member’ of Academic Council of BGC Trust University Bangladesh.
    • Worked as an ‘Editor Assistant’ in “BGC Trust University Journal” (2009, Volume: 1; Issue: 01).
    • Worked as ‘Coordinator’, BBA Program, FBA BGCTUB, and ‘Coordinator’, MBA Programs, BGCTUB.

  • Research Interests

    Organizational Behavior, Employee Performance, and Human Resource Management.

    Training & Workshop Participation :

    • Completed training on “Research Methodology” from May 23, 2014 to May 30, 2014 (under HEQEP-CP-2141 of the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, the World Bank and the Government of Bangladesh).
    • Attended seminar on “English Language Teaching: Responding to the Challenges of Teaching Language”, organized by Institute of Modern Languages, University of Chittagong, held on June 2, 2012.
    • Completed training program on “Case Writing and Analysis Skill Development”, organized by Department of Management, University of Chittagong, Under HEQEP Sub-Project: Developing Teaching-Learning Capabilities, held during September 26-27, 2011.
    • Attended training program on “Research Methodology”, organized by Department of Management, University of Chittagong, Under HEQEP Sub-Project: Developing Teaching-Learning Capabilities, held during September 26-27, 2011.
    • Attended a workshop on “Faculty Development through Research and Pedagogical Improvement” organized by ‘The Institute of Certified Business Executives and Researchers’.
    • Completed an intensive “Internship Program” of two months (October, 2002- November, 2002) in “Mercantile Bank Ltd.”, Agrabad, Chattogram.

  • Conference Publications

    1. Virtual National Conference on The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): Reshaping Business for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh. Organized by Bureau of Business Research, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Chittagong (September 17-18, 2021). Title: Employees’ Job Attitudes over Job Performance: An Empirical Study on Top-and Mid-Level Executives of Diverse Sectors in Chattogram, authored by Rana Karan, Md. Sahidur Rahman, and A.F.M. Aktaruzzaman Kaisar.
    2. Virtual National Conference on The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): Reshaping Business for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh. Organized by Bureau of Business Research, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Chittagong (September 17-18, 2021). Title: Impact of Intrinsic Reward on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Creative Performance: An Empirical Study on Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh, authored by Md. Moazzam Husain, Md. Sahidur Rahman, and Rana Karan.
    3. Internal Conference on Advances in Business Administration, 219; Third Biennial conference of the Bangladesh Academy of Business Administration. Venue: Dhaka University, January 05–06, 2019. Title: Association between Attitudes and Turnover intention of the Executives at the Different Organizations in Chittagong, authored by Rana Karan, Shahidur Rahman, & Setu Ranjan Biswas.
    4. Uniglobe international Management Conference V; Recent Advances in Management: Challenges, initiatives and Road Ahead (UIMC-RAM-2018), on March 6 & 7, 2018, in Kathmundu, Nepal. Title: Intrinsic Reward Practices in the Private Universities of Bangladesh: Linkages with Job satisfaction and creative performance. Authored by Md. Moazzam Husain, Shahidur Rahman, & Rana Karan.
    5. Biennial conference of the Bangladesh Academy of Business Administration. Venue: Dhaka University, January 05–07, 2017. Title: Employees’ Job Involvement,  Job Performance, and Turnover Intention: Bangladesh Perspective, authored by Mouri Dey, Shahidur Rahman, & Rana Karan.
    6. Biennial conference of the Bangladesh Academy of Business Administration. Venue: Dhaka University, January 12–15, 2015. Title: Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover intention of the Executives in Bangladesh, authored by Rana Karan, Sujan Kanti Biswas, & Anupam Dasgupta.
    7. 6th International Conference on “Unity of Sciences”, jointly organized by the BGC Trust University Bangladesh and Trisakti University, Indonesia held on January 14-15, 2009. Title: The Relevance of Dividend Theories in The Capital Market of Bangladesh: Justification of MM Model Vs Gordon Model, authored by Kanchan Kumar Purohit, Shahidul Islam, & Rana Karan.

  • Research Publications

    1.Karan, R., Husain, M. M., & Rahman, M. S. (2022). Relationship of Intrinsic Reward Practices to Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Creative Performance: An Empirical Study on Private Universities of Bangladesh. BGC Trust University Journal, 6, 211-230.

    2.Karan, R., & Rahman, M. S. (2018). Role of Job Involvement in Job Satisfaction, Job Performance and Turnover Intention. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration 29, 2014, 233-250.

    3.Karan, R., Rahman, M. S., & Biswas, S. R. (2018). Role of Job Attitudes on Executives’ Turnover Intention at Different Organizations in Bangladesh. BUP Journal, 6(1), 23-42.

    4.Karan, R., & Husain, M. M. (2017). Relationship between Organizational Justice and Commitment: An Empirical Study in Bangladesh Perspective. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 28, 2013, 15-30.

    5.Rahman, M. S., & Karan, R. (2016). Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment: Bangladesh Perspective. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 27, 2012, 205-220.

    6.Rahman, M. S., Ferdausy, S., & Karan, R. (2015). Role of Quality of Work Life in Job Satisfaction, Job Performance, and Turnover Intention. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 25, 2010, 117-138.

    7.Karan, R., Ferdausy, S., & Rahman, M. S. (2015). Assessing the Relationships between Job Satisfaction and Dimensions of Organizational Citizenship Behavior: An Empirical Study. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 25, 2010, 295-314.

    8.Rahman, M. S., & Karan, R. (2015). Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Job Performance and the Mediating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 26, 2011, 325-350.  

    9.Rahman, M. S., Ferdausy, S., & Karan, R (2015). Determining the Relationships between the Components of Organizational Commitment and Job Performance: An Empirical Study. ABAC Journal (Assumption University, Thailand), 35(1), 30-45.

    10.Rahman, M. S., Karan, R., & Arif, M. I. (2014).  Investigating the Relationships among Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intention: An Empirical Study. SIU Journal of Management 4(1), 117-147.

    11.Rahman, M. S., Karan, R., & Biswas, S. K. (2014). Understanding the Associations among Emotional Intelligence, Self-esteem, and Social Loafing: An Empirical Study. BUP Journal, 1(2), 20-38.

    12.Rahman, M. S., Ferdausy, S., & Karan, R. (2013). Assessing the Relationships between the Components of Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance: An Empirical Study. ABAC Journal (Assumption University, Thailand), 33(1), 1-19.

    13.Rahman, M. S., Karan, R., & Ferdausy, S. (2013). Relationship between Deviant Workplace Behavior and Job Performance: An Empirical Study. NIDA Development Journal, 53(2), 127-150.

    14. Rahman, M. S., Ferdausy, S., & Karan, R. (2013). Evaluating the Relationships between Emotional Intelligence and the Dimensions of Organizational Commitment of Working MBA Students. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 23, 2008, 143-165.

    15. Khaled, M. C., Sultana, T., Biswas, S. K., & Karan, R. (2012). Real Estate Industry in Chittagong (Bangladesh): A Survey on Customer Perception Expectation. Developing Countries Studies, 2(2) 38-45.

    16.Rahman, M. S., Ferdausy, S., & Karan, R. (2012). Relationships among Emotional Intelligence, Deviant Workplace Behavior, and Job Performance: An Empirical Study. Portuguese Journal of Management Studies, 17(1), 39-61.

    17.Biswas, S. K., Karan, R., & Das, R. K. (2012). Down Value Approach: A Model for Human Assets Valuation. Journal of Administrative Studies (Department of Public Administration, Jahangir Nagar University, 5, 132-140.

    18.Purohit, K. K., Islam, S., & Karan, R. (2009). The Relevance of Dividend Theories in The Capital Market of Bangladesh: Justification of MM Model Vs Gordon Model. BGC Trust University Journal 1(1), 01-25.


Campus Address

Address: "BGC Biddyanagar" Chandanaish, Chattogram, Bangladesh

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 03033-56193

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Fax: +880-31-2550224