1.Karan, R., Husain, M. M., & Rahman, M. S. (2022). Relationship of Intrinsic Reward Practices to Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Creative Performance: An Empirical Study on Private Universities of Bangladesh. BGC Trust University Journal, 6, 211-230.
2.Karan, R., & Rahman, M. S. (2018). Role of Job Involvement in Job Satisfaction, Job Performance and Turnover Intention. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration 29, 2014, 233-250.
3.Karan, R., Rahman, M. S., & Biswas, S. R. (2018). Role of Job Attitudes on Executives’ Turnover Intention at Different Organizations in Bangladesh. BUP Journal, 6(1), 23-42.
4.Karan, R., & Husain, M. M. (2017). Relationship between Organizational Justice and Commitment: An Empirical Study in Bangladesh Perspective. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 28, 2013, 15-30.
5.Rahman, M. S., & Karan, R. (2016). Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment: Bangladesh Perspective. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 27, 2012, 205-220.
6.Rahman, M. S., Ferdausy, S., & Karan, R. (2015). Role of Quality of Work Life in Job Satisfaction, Job Performance, and Turnover Intention. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 25, 2010, 117-138.
7.Karan, R., Ferdausy, S., & Rahman, M. S. (2015). Assessing the Relationships between Job Satisfaction and Dimensions of Organizational Citizenship Behavior: An Empirical Study. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 25, 2010, 295-314.
8.Rahman, M. S., & Karan, R. (2015). Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Job Performance and the Mediating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 26, 2011, 325-350.
9.Rahman, M. S., Ferdausy, S., & Karan, R (2015). Determining the Relationships between the Components of Organizational Commitment and Job Performance: An Empirical Study. ABAC Journal (Assumption University, Thailand), 35(1), 30-45.
10.Rahman, M. S., Karan, R., & Arif, M. I. (2014). Investigating the Relationships among Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intention: An Empirical Study. SIU Journal of Management 4(1), 117-147.
11.Rahman, M. S., Karan, R., & Biswas, S. K. (2014). Understanding the Associations among Emotional Intelligence, Self-esteem, and Social Loafing: An Empirical Study. BUP Journal, 1(2), 20-38.
12.Rahman, M. S., Ferdausy, S., & Karan, R. (2013). Assessing the Relationships between the Components of Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance: An Empirical Study. ABAC Journal (Assumption University, Thailand), 33(1), 1-19.
13.Rahman, M. S., Karan, R., & Ferdausy, S. (2013). Relationship between Deviant Workplace Behavior and Job Performance: An Empirical Study. NIDA Development Journal, 53(2), 127-150.
14. Rahman, M. S., Ferdausy, S., & Karan, R. (2013). Evaluating the Relationships between Emotional Intelligence and the Dimensions of Organizational Commitment of Working MBA Students. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 23, 2008, 143-165.
15. Khaled, M. C., Sultana, T., Biswas, S. K., & Karan, R. (2012). Real Estate Industry in Chittagong (Bangladesh): A Survey on Customer Perception Expectation. Developing Countries Studies, 2(2) 38-45.
16.Rahman, M. S., Ferdausy, S., & Karan, R. (2012). Relationships among Emotional Intelligence, Deviant Workplace Behavior, and Job Performance: An Empirical Study. Portuguese Journal of Management Studies, 17(1), 39-61.
17.Biswas, S. K., Karan, R., & Das, R. K. (2012). Down Value Approach: A Model for Human Assets Valuation. Journal of Administrative Studies (Department of Public Administration, Jahangir Nagar University, 5, 132-140.
18.Purohit, K. K., Islam, S., & Karan, R. (2009). The Relevance of Dividend Theories in The Capital Market of Bangladesh: Justification of MM Model Vs Gordon Model. BGC Trust University Journal 1(1), 01-25.